The First IAPD Turkish Regional Meeting in Istanbul
12-14 October 2018
Turkey, Istanbul, SwissOtel Bosphorus
The first Turkish Regional Meeting was held joint with 25th Congress of Turkish Society of Paediatric Dentistry on 12-14 October 2018 at SwissOtel Bosphorus, Istanbul Turkey. The meeting was a very fruitful and successful event with the participation of more than 250 attendees from the countries Australia, Azerbaijan, Jordan, Kuweit, Lebanon, Morocco, Romania, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, United Arab Emirates,United States and also local participants attended the meeting from many parts of Turkey. 224 new members were added to our global family.
Precongress Courses were held on 11 October about “Statistical Data Analysis with IBM SPSS” and “Create Your Own Composite Masterpieces”.
The opening ceremony was enlivened by a great performance of Canan Anderson, a famous Turkish violin virtuoso which followed the speeches given by Anna Maria Vierrou, the president of IAPD and Figen Seymen, the president of the Turkish Society of Paediatric Dentistry.
The meeting provided a scientific atmosphere for the participants with the contribution of many valuable keynote and invited speakers from all over the world, who lectured on a wide range of topics regarding paediatric dentistry. The speakers and their topics were as follows:
Anna Maria Vierrou, Greece Behavior guidance of the paediatric patient and Early Childhood Caries
Gideon Holan, Israel, Psychosocial and clinical impacts following traumatic loss of primary incisors. and Pulpal aspects of TDI in primary incisors
Karin Weerheijm, Holland MIH and HSPM: clinical implications
Ahmed Fawzy, Egypt To Save or to extract primary teeth in severe ECC? Overcoming the Challenges.
Ola Al-Batayneh, Jordan, Traumatic dental injuries in children with special health care needs: an overview
Marcio Vivan Cardoso, Brazil, Restorative alternatives in modern dentistry
Serhat Köken, Turkey, Create your own composite masterpieces
Serap Turan, Turkey, Elif Bahar Tuna Ince, Turkey, Metabolic bone diseases in children, diagnosis related to oral and dental manifestations
Damla Gökşen, Turkey, Başak Durmuş, Turkey, Childhood Obesity and Diabetes Type I, characteristics of oral health
Zikra Al-Khayal, Saudi Arabia, The Challenging Bleeding Disorder: Dental Management
Tatyana Kupets, Russia, The role of Ca/P remineralizing agents in pediatric preventive dentistry.
The attendees also participated in this scientific meeting with 74 Poster presentations and 82 oral presentations within the IAPD regional meeting and 25th Congress of Turkish Society of Paediatric Dentistry.
The scientific program regarding the speakers, oral and poster presentations can be found in the website The photographs of the meeting can be found in the facebook page “IAPDIstanbul2018”.
The social program was remarkable with an opening cocktail and a gala dinner both of which provided the participants a nice memories full of the grand view of the Bosphorus, delicious Turkish cuisine and Turkish hospitality.
All delegates were very happy and satisfied from the very interesting lectures and also from the social networking and social activities. We received a lot of good and positive comments about the organization during after the meeting from the participants.

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