The Objectives of the IAPD
The objectives of the IAPD are:
- Serve as an international forum for the exchange of information concerning paediatric dentistry;
- Contribute to the promotion and improvement of the oral health of children;
- Encourage research and serve as an international forum for the development and dissemination of scientific information and evidence-based.
Dental Health
Scientific Meetings
Structural Overview
The Board of Directors is entrusted with the management and administration of the Association and is composed of:
- The President
- The Immediate Past President
- The President-Elect
- The Secretary General
- The Honorary Editor
- Four Representatives of National Member Societies
The members of the Board are elected by the Council for a period of two years, and they meet formally at least once a year.
The Council of the IAPD consists of one voting Delegate representing each National Member Society.
A National Member Society may nominate one alternate delegate who can attend the Council Meeting and who will only vote if the Delegate is absent. All voting delegates to Council must hold current Individual Membership in IAPD.
The Council holds full power to pursue the objectives of the Association. Council meetings are held at least once every two years during the International Congress.
The IAPD is proud to have 10 Standing Committees set up by the Board of Directors and approved by the Council. The numbers or composition of the committees are outlined in the Standing Orders.
- Executive Committee
- Education Committee
- Finance Committee
- Congress Site Selection and Coordination Committee
- Constitution Review Committee
- Membership Committee
- Nominations Committee
- Science Committee
- Awards Committee
- Public Relations Committee
These committees have a very important role as advisory bodies to the Board of Directors; their recommendations may be partially or fully taken into account by the Board for decision making on various IAPD matters.
IAPD Secretariat | Association Manager : Loraine Lugasi
18 Avenue Louis Casai | c/o Paragon
CP 234, 1209 Geneva
Tel.: +41 (0) 22 533 09 48
Fax: +41 (0) 22 580 29 53
E-mail: [email protected]