How to create a Paediatric Dentistry Association/Society
An association is formed of those individuals who are organised in order to fulfill some specific interests. So, an association is known as an organised group.
The organisation of an association rests upon a particular set of laws. These laws are necessary for regulating the conduct of members belonging to an association. The members of an association follow these rules and regulations.
The membership of an association is voluntary. It is not compulsory. People voluntarily join in an association for the achievement of their desired objectives. They can also withdraw their membership according to their own wishes.
The common goal of pediatric dentists is to improve children´s oral health. Creating an association of paediatric dentists will contribute to the improvement of the oral health of children in their respective countries in many ways: educating local dentists to treat children in a more efficient way, disseminating scientific knowledge, networking with other private and government institutions, joining forces with commercial enterprises.
With regards to the interaction with the international Paediatric Dentistry community, a national association provides a way to network with other colleagues of our specialty around the globe. Some of these relationships and connections last forever.
Finally, a strong national professional association will greatly contribute to the recognition of the specialty of paediatric dentistry in any country.
There are many associations of paediatric dentists in the World. Seventy eight associations are part of IAPD. Most of the associations started when a small group of enthusiastic leaders founded their organization. We have witnessed the growth of many of them throughout the years.
Steps to Start an Association:
Recruiting the First Members
The guideline below will help you to set the member requirements:
a. Credentials: Some associations, require that the members should be certified pediatric dentists, others accept general dentists with an interest in pediatric dentistry. Other societies have two types of membership: regular members (certified pediatric dentists), associate members (general dentists). Other type of membership may be postgraduate students and affiliate members.
b. Legal: candidate should have a license to practice dentistry in your country.
c. Prepare a form so the candidate can fill the basic information about him-herself:
i. Name
ii. Address, telephone, email
iii. Number of years practicing dentistry/paediatric dentistry
iv. Place of work (private practice, university, military, etc)
v. Short biosketch (CV)
vi. Why do you want to join the association?
d. Set a membership fee (annual or biennial)
e. The form will be reviewed initially by an organizing committee that will accept/reject the candidates

Setting Board Elections
The information below may serve as a reference when setting board elections:
a. Create an election committee
b. Set up the rules and dates for the election
c. The board of the Association could be constituted by:
i. President
ii. Past president (when it is applicable)
iii. President elect or Vice president
iv. Secretary
v. Treasurer
vi. Additional board members

National Societies' Benefits - Members of the IAPD
- Belong to the most important global association in Pediatric Dentistry (IAPD)
- Have the opportunity to interact and network, raise awareness on issues regarding Paediatric Dentistry, improve education and clinical practice in their region.
- Organize IAPD regional meetings with the support of IAPD
- Receive a copy of the International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry
- Participate in the IAPD Council
- Bid to host and organize the International Biennial IAPD congress
- Share news of your association through the IAPD newsletter
Interested in Joining the IAPD Family?
Fill out the National Society Membership Application Form below. We will verify that you are a current individual member before proceeding to review your society’s application. Please have your society’s constitution, list of officers and logo at hand to attach to the form.
Send the completed form to the IAPD Secretariat at accompanied by the society constitution, list of officers and logo (if applicable).
After receiving your application, the IAPD Secretariat will contact you if any further information is needed to proceed.
The Secretary General will review and present the new application at the first Board of Directors Meeting following your application.
If the Board votes in favor of your application, the society will achieve Interim National Society Membership* which will enables the society to apply for regional meetings and Teach the Teachers’ Educational Workshops.
*The society will only be an official member after the International Council votes to accept or reject the Board of Directors’ recommendation at the next council meeting.The next council meeting will be held in 2021, the Netherlands. Until then, the society will not be required to pay National Society Member dues.
Each country can only be represented by one Society.