June e-News

Bid to Host the 30th IAPD Congress in 2025

The President and Board of Directors of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry invite all IAPD National Member Societies to submit a Bid to host the 30th Congress of IAPD, to be held in the year 2025.

Should your National Member Society wish to host this Congress, please send a letter of ‘Intent to Bid for the IAPD Congress’, addressed to the Secretary General of IAPD, Dr Ari Kupietzky (, c/o the Secretariat address (iapd@iapdworld.orgno later than December 9th, 2020.

We Have a Surprise in Store for You

Have you been enjoying our webinars? We have an exciting new virtual event planned for 2020.

Save the Date in your calendar NOW and keep an eye on our website for
more information this week…

Our Facebook Community Expanded

We have reached over 4,000 on our Official Facebook page this month. Thank you to all our followers for your support and we hope that you are enjoying the content.

Not part of our Facebook community yet? Like & follow our official Facebook page now!

IAPD Certificate of Membership - Now Available

Have you visited the member area on our website lately?
You can now login to your IAPD profile and download a certificate of membership.

Join Us for the next IAPD Webinar to be presented by Yasmi O. Crystal

We look forward to the next IAPD Webinar to be given Yasmi O. Crystal.

When: Sunday, 12 July 2020
Title: Advances in Minimal Intervention Approaches for caries management in children. Are you current?
Details & the registration link will follow soon on our website and
Facebook page.

With this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Differentiate the concepts of minimally invasive dentistry, minimal intervention approaches and personalized optimal interventions understanding the needs and advantages of these approaches.
  • Understand the scientific basis for current recommendations for SDF, ITR/ART and the Hall Technique as well as their indications, pros and cons.
  • Acquire the knowledge and techniques required to implement these approaches into clinical practice.

We thank our generous sponsor Elevate Oral Care for supporting this webinar.

Did you miss the webinars that we had on 14 June (Nitesh Tewari) and 21 June (Susan Parekh)? Don’t worry: all IAPD Webinars are recorded and available to IAPD members on our website. 

Login to your IAPD profile on our website now to view all previous IAPD Webinar recordings. Enjoy!

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