Dr. Gabriela Scagnet
She is a Graduate of the University of Buenos Aires – Argentina and has her specialty in both Pediatric Dentistry as well as Orthodontics and Patients with disabilities. She was recognized since 2019 as a member of the Argentinian Academy of Dentistry She obtained a doctorate in Public Health (2016) and is a graduate of the Teaching Career at UBA University. She is currently Director of the “Quinquela Martín Hospital of Pediatric Dentistry” and co-founder of the Special Patients Department, which belongs to the Government of Buenos Aires City – , Professor of the University of Buenos Aires , at the CLAPAR 2 Patients with disabilities Area –Oral medicine – and Associate Professor of Pediatric Dentistry Universidad Maimonides. Past President of IADH -International Association for Disability and Oral Health and Member of the Education Committee. Editorial Board member of the Contemporary Pediatric Dentistry. She is also a member of the Editorial Committee of the British Journal of Disability and Oral health. She is a Founding member and President of the AAODI – Argentinian Association of Dentistry for people with Disability. Co-Author of a book “Odontopediatría y Discapacidad” (2000) and chapters in two Pediatric Dentistry Books (2010 and 2012) and in the book of Neurology:”Trastornos motores crónicos en niños y adolescents”(2013) Author and co-author of papers and articles.