Abstract Submission Deadline Extended: 7 August 2020
We are accepting abstracts for e-poster presentation
- Open to researchers, students, and clinicians
- Abstracts should be written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure
- Abstracts should list all authors that have made intellectual contributions to the study
- All abstracts submitted online will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and notification of acceptance will be sent by email
- To correct/change an abstract after submission or to submit another abstract, please log-in with the username and password that you received when you initially submitted the abstract
- Poster Presentations will be available to all participants to view (No Specific Session will be assigned)
- A certificate for poster presentation will be sent after the meeting to the presenters
- Abstracts will be published only at IAPD website
- Previously published studies are accepted if they were not published in journals that has the copyright of it
Instructions to All Applicants
Before you begin, please prepare the following information:
- Abstract Topic – abstracts must be allocated to a specific Topic:
- Behaviour Guidance
- Cariology and Preventive Dentistry
- Dental Anomalies
- Dental Materials
- Dental Trauma
- Education in Paediatric Dentistry
- Endodontics
- Epidemiology
- Growth and Development
- Infant Oral Health
- Oral Medicine and Pathology
- Periodontal Disease in Children
- Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics
- Restorative Dentistry
- Sedation
- Special Needs Patients
- Syndromes and Genetics
- Presenting author’s contact details: email address, full postal address, phone number
Author and co-authors’ details
Affiliation details: department, institution / hospital, city, state (if relevant), country - Abstract title – limited to 25 words.
- Abstract text – limited to 250 words
- References are not obligatory, however the word count is affected by the inclusion of references
- Tables, pictures and graphics are not allowed
- All accepted abstracts will be included in the Virtual IAPD 2020 program and website
- All abstracts will be peer reviewed by the Scientific Review Committee
- It is a prerequisite that the presenting author register for inclusion in the Scientific Program
- Authors who submit an abstract but fail to register for the meeting by 25 August, 2020 will be removed from the program
- See below examples of abstracts
Important Note:
A new submission option added:
Due to COVID-19 we understand that many academic institutions are not operating at full capacity and research may not have been completed on schedule. We are therefore adding the following option for abstract submission:
Scholarly Literature Reviews
• Background
• Literature Review
• Conclusions
Research Abstracts Layout
• Background
• Methods
• Results
• Conclusions
Case Report Abstracts Layout
• Introduction
• Case Report
• Discussion
• Conclusion
Depending on the nature of the research, some abstract presenters may be required to obtain Ethical Clearance. Kindly note that you will be prompted to confirm that you received ethical clearance (if applicable) and to declare any conflict of interests in your presentation (if applicable) before completing the submission process.