To advance knowledge of Paediatric Dentistry worldwide and to inspire a lifetime pursuit of learning to improve child oral health.
Advancing children’s oral health by conferring fellowship to qualified dentists who meet standards of excellence and are committed to continuous learning and improvement.
Do you need help with your application? Reach out now.
We are here to help you with your application.
Contact us via email at iapd@iapdworld.org.
About The IAPD Fellowship:
We are very excited to announce that the IAPD has a new IAPD Fellowship Examination in Paediatric Dentistry!
The IAPD Fellowship in Paediatric Dentistry is open to IAPD members in good standing and will be designed to test knowledge, and as such forms part of the overall assessment of training.
The Fellowship is administered and governed by a professional and independent examination committee, under the auspices of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry (IAPD).
Paediatric dentists can earn fellow status based on education, licensure, and successful completion of the qualifying examination. The examination will be held on the 25th April 2023.
IAPD Fellowship is an attestation of provider knowledge in paediatric dentistry and its application to provide quality clinical care.

Fellows may promote their status by using direct association with their names,
Fellow of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry
or the initials,

How to become a Fellow of IAPD
To achieve the IAPD Fellowship certificate in Paediatric Dentistry the following requirements have to be met:-
from a dental school recognized by the appropriate authorities of the country of the applicant.
of attendance at local, regional or international meetings sponsored or co-sponsored by IAPD and/or its National-Member Society with a minimum of 16 hours of education in topics relevant to the practice of paediatric dentistry.
practicing exclusively or with a significant emphasis in paediatric dentistry for at least 3 years.
completion of the Fellowship examination covering comprehensive oral health care for infants, children, adolescents and special needs.
to life-long continuing education.
The IAPD Fellowship Online Examination is designed to test knowledge and form part of the overall assessment of training.
Applications close:
The exam will take place online:
31st March 2025
22nd April 2025
The exam:
1. 100 multiple-choice questions.
2. Two and a half hours examination session.
3. Understanding of scientific, biological and clinical principals.
4. The examination tests knowledge and applied knowledge.
5. The examination is in the form of multiple-choice questions (MCQs).
6. The examination is delivered only in English.
7. The examination is based on but not limited to the IAPD Foundational Articles and Consensus Recommendations developed by the IAPD Science Committee.
8. All questions require a single best answer.
· Each candidate must have a personal computer that has a microphone and camera and secure internet access. Candidates need to be able to take the exam in a quiet, private place not in a public or institution location.
· A proctor will monitor candidates remotely throughout the duration of the exam, giving technical assistance, where necessary, and ensuring candidates do not have the ability to cheat or copy questions.
· Copying or cheating of any form will result in immediate exclusion from the ongoing examination as well as exclusion from future applications to sit the examination. Copying or cheating will also result in membership from the IAPD being withdrawn and exclusion from future applications to join the IAPD.
· The decision will be at the discretion of the examination committee.
· It is strictly forbidden to either copy or disclose the examination questions in any way. All examination content is confidential.
The Fellowship application and examination fees set for the 2023 examination are as follows:

Application fee is payable upon application.
Exam fee is required following approval of candidates application and confirmation of eligibility to take exam.
Requests for refunds of the examination fee for cancellation will be reviewed by the Fellowship Committee.
Applicants from low-income and lower-middle income economies as per the World Bank may request a 25% reduction on the total fee.
Requests should be made to the IAPD fellowship committee iapd@iapdworld.org
1. Dental license or equivalent.
2. Current professional member in good standing of the IAPD Membership Categories – IAPD (iapdworld.org)
3. No existing legal issues against the applicant (malpractice, ethical etc.). No document is required. It is just a self-declaration by clicking on the clause.
4. Actively practicing exclusively or with a significant emphasis in paediatric dentistry for at least 3 years (self-declaration by clicking on the clause).
5. Continuing interest in paediatric dentistry: Proof of attendance at local, regional or international meetings sponsored or co-sponsored by IAPD and/or its National-Member Societies, with a minimum of 16 hours of continuing education in topics relevant to the practice of paediatric dentistry. This can be attained by registering for and watching IAPD webinars IAPD Webinars – IAPD (iapdworld.org) or IAPD videos IAPD Lecture Video Centre – IAPD (iapdworld.org).

Applications will open on 4 March 2024
Please note that by registering for the IAPD fellowship examination:
1. The candidate gives consent to IAPD to process his/her personal data exclusively related to the organization of the given examination, determination of the examination result, maintenance of registry of successful/unsuccessful examination attempts, but also for statistical purposes and research.
2. In addition to the above article, IAPD may share necessary personal data of the candidates with the provider of examination results and statistics, who cannot share these personal data with any other third party unless written consent from IAPD and the candidate is given.
3. All examination results are stored electronically within the IAPD for further statistical analysis and research.
4. Signed Examination Applicant Agreement
The examination results will be available 4-6 weeks after the exam. A list of successful candidates will be published on the IAPD website.
Each candidate will receive a notification email.
The examination results will include:
1. Official results letter
2. Certificate of attendance
3. Confirmation of exact spelling and degree (i.e. Steve Smith, DMD) which will be used for the certificate

Candidates who do not pass the IAPD fellowship examination will be required to repeat the application process and pay the application and examination fee of any subsequent exam.
1. Printed time-limited (five year) Fellowship certificates will be sent out to successful candidates 4 months after the examination date. Only printed certificates will be available; electronic certificates will not be provided.
2. Candidates must ensure that the address they provide on their application is correct in order for the IAPD secretariat to arrange tracked delivery, including full address and phone number. A courier delivery service may be requested at an additional fee. Candidates may request to receive their certificate at the IAPD Biennial Congress.
3. A fee of €75 will be charged for any reprint of the original certificate not including shipping and postage.
4. Fellows may promote their status by using in direct association with their names, Fellow of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry or the post nominals, FIAPD.
To remain an IAPD Fellow, dentists must complete Maintenance of Certification (MOC). The MOC process recognizes the dentist’s commitment to professionalism, lifelong learning and self-assessment, and the periodic evaluation of other competencies deemed necessary by the IAPD for the continued provision of high-quality paediatric dental care.
IAPD Fellowship Committee

Marcelo Bönecker
IAPD Immediate Past President, Chair of the Fellowship Committee

Jorge Castillo
IAPD President

Anna Maria Vierrou
IAPD Interim Secretary General

Norman Tinanoff
IAPD Chair, Science Committee

Virinder Goyal
IAPD Chair, Education Committee
The IAPD Fellowship Committee would like to thank and acknowledge the expertise and input of the following Section Heads who have made this examination possible.
Examination Section Heads

Kaaren Vargas
Chair of the Examination Committee

Anja Heilmann
Head of Section: Population Oral Health (Public/Community Dentistry)

Catherine Hong
Head of Section: Special Needs and Paediatric Medicine

Daniela R. Silva
Head of Section: Restorative Dentistry and Treatment Planning

Evelina Hristova Kratunova
Head of Section: Dental and Oral Trauma

Janice Townsend
Head of Section: Behaviour Guidance

Jorge Castillo
Head of Section: Growth and Development

Lawrence Yanover
Head of Section: Preventive and Minimally Invasive Dentistry
The IAPD Fellowship Committee would like to thank and acknowledge the expertise and input of the following collaborators and question writers who made this examination possible.
Behaviour Guidance
Ehsan Azadani
Erin L. Gross
Beau D. Meyer
Special Needs and Paediatric Medicine
Yee Ruixiang
Ninna Estrella Yuson
Consultant at the Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Adelaide (Australia)
Growth and Development
Carlos Flores Mir
Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry – Dentistry Dept, University of Alberta (Canada)
Emery Alvarez
Director de Postgrado em Odontopediatria
Universidad CES- Medellin (Colombia)
Sara Arcari
University of Bologna
Population Oral Health (Public/Community Dentistry)
Richard D Holmes
School of Dental Sciences, Newcastle University (UK)
Michelle Stennett
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London (UK)
Renato Venturelli
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London (UK)
Restorative Dentistry and Treatment Planning
Chanel McCreedy
School of Dental Sciences, Former Pre-Doctoral Director, Pediatric Dentistry, UCLA School of Dentistry, Northern Board Director, California Society Pediatric Dentistry, Private Practice, San Jose (USA)
Dental and Oral Trauma
Rona Leith
Assistant Professor, Pediatric Dentistry, Trinity College, University of Dublin (Ireland)
Sahar Alrayyes
Clinical Professor, Pediatric Dentistry, UIC College of Dentistry (USA)
Brittaney Hill
This is a pilot exam – the IAPD will announce the frequency of the exam (either every year or every second year during the congress years) very soon after the results of this exam.
Yes, the webinar recording is accessible to all, and you can view it here. Viewing the recording requires registration.
The IAPD Fellowship is an endorsement that you could add to your title. It demonstrates your commitment to continuing professional development to colleagues and patients. Passing the exam validates your knowledge in contemporary paediatric dentistry.
The IAPD Fellowship certificate is valid for 5 years, at which point a renewal process would need to be completed (i.e., a study module of updates in paediatric dentistry with an accompanying quiz) however there will be no requirement to take the fellowship exam again if the maintenance program is completed. In addition, throughout the 5 years a maintenance program which includes providing proof of annual continuing education, maintenance fee and active IAPD membership. Those that do not comply yearly with the maintenance requirements will need to sit again for the fellowship exam if they wish to extend their certificate.
No, if you don’t provide the documents requested in the application form, the application will not be successfully processed.
No, new IAPD members can also apply for the fellowship, if you meet all other criteria. It is compulsory to be a member in good standing to be an IAPD Fellow (even after the exam).
The continuing education hours should have been obtained in the 24 months prior to your Fellowship application, unless you download a certificate from the IAPD Video Lecture Centre (certificates are available for lectures / webinars from 2019 onwards)
You may retake the exam at the next time it is given. However, you will need to reapply and pay the examination fee.
1 hour equates to 1 credit.
The congress organizer of the applicable congress should have furnished you with a certificate of attendance after the Congress. IAPD members can login to the member area to obtain e-certificates for any lecture and/or IAPD webinar available in the IAPD video lecture centre (2019 onwards). This provision was made by IAPD for the first exam only.
No, you may apply for the fellowship.
This will be determined by an external independent psychometric expert. After the examination, all answers will be sent to an independent partnering institution for results evaluation and statistical analysis to determine the passing grade.
The examination is based on, but not limited to the IAPD Foundational Articles and Consensus Recommendations (free resource, developed by the IAPD Science Committee: https://iapdworld.org/publications/iapd-consensus-recommendations/). Articles published at IJPD can be accessed by the IAPD website once you are and IAPD member.
A post graduate student can apply to this exam if he or she has accumulated three years of experience focusing on treatment of children.
The certificate may be used if it is accompanied by documentation of the hours and or credits verified by the certificate provider.
Letters must be addressed by two paediatric dentists, academicians or not.
Yes, certificate of previous IAPD webinars available on the IAPD website are valid. The IAPD made this provision for the first exam only to assist those who could not attend events (due to the pandemic)/accumulate CE credits in the past 12 months.
The first exam will be conducted in English only. In the future we might be able to offer in different languages.
Yes, you can join the IAPD today and then apply for the fellowship.
No, this is a new exam and hence there are no past papers.
Contact us:
If you have any questions about the Membership of the IAPD, please contact:
If you have any questions about the exam, please contact: