July e-News
Improving the Oral Health of Children Globally
This short video will let you know who we are and what we are about (in a nutshell). Subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Share this video with your network, help us achieve our goal in becoming the Global Voice for Children’s Health.
IAPD is calling on its members worldwide to make a difference in paediatric dentistry!
Submit this online form and upload your CV to apply for a 2-year volunteer period on one of the IAPD’s Standing Committees for the term 2021-2023.
The deadline for applications is 6 August 2021.
Only a limited number of applicants will be selected and notified of their appointment.
Committee members are selected on a biennial basis and the IAPD’s President is responsible for making appointments after the official IAPD Congress.
Click here, to read the full CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: IAPD STANDING COMMITTEES 2021-2023
78 National-Member Societies
We are thrilled to introduce 6 new countries to our National-Member Societies. Helping us to achieve our objective of being a Global Voice of Paediatric Dentistry.
The IAPD Newsletter includes highlights of their activities over the past year.
Pop over to our Facebook page, for our Friday Feature of each of the societies’ activities.
28th Congress - Abstract Book
We are thrilled to announce that the Abstract Book will be published and available for download at the end of September.
We had a staggering 975 posters from 68 countries!
Coming Up... More from the IAPD
Head over to our E-Learning section on the website to stay up to date with past and up-coming Webinars. The educational and scientific committees are already underway to add value to our members through our E-Learning platform.
IAPD members now have a chance to join live webinars by guest speakers on a range of issues.
The biggest, unique benefit of joining a live webinar is the way in which content is explained: unlike recordings or other online educational material, the presentation of a webinar is more intimate. It almost functions like a personal tutoring session with feedback, questions, and engagement between the audience and the presenters.