September e-News
A Message from the President
It is with great enthusiasm that I started my term as the IAPD President. For those of you that do not know me, I am a Professor in the Paediatric Dentist Department at the University of São Paulo, Brazil and am involved in clinical practice and academics. I have participated and contributed actively in the IAPD over the past ten years.
Since my inauguration in Cancun and with the change of the new Board of Directors, we have successfully invited all new committee members for the various committees. The new website is currently in full speed. Look out for the launce of the new website to follow all the updates.
Our Secretary General, Dr. Ari Kupietzky and I travelled to Geneva to meet with the FDI and WHO during the month of September to strengthen our collaboration.
IAPD Bangkok Declaration
We are proud to announce that the Early Childhood Caries: IAPD Bangkok Declaration will soon be available in the following languages:
- Arabic
- Chinese
- Georgian
- German
- Japanese
- Macedonian
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Serbian
- Spanish
- Turkish
A heartfelt thank you to every individual and National Society that participated in this initiative.

Prof. Marcelo Bonecker, Brazil
World Cavity-Free Future Day: October 14th 2019
The IAPD is proud to feature in the WCFF Day infographic, created by the Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future and based on content taken from the ‘Early Childhood Caries: IAPD Bangkok Declaration’.
The WCFFDay aims to engage communities around the world in this global flight and offers the chance to send a ‘wakeup call’ to those with the ability to make social, economic and political changes to encourage action towards achieving a cavity-free future. 2019 will be the fourth year of the WCFFDay initiative, which was first held in 2016 as a drive to raise awareness of dental caries and to encourage people to think about their dental health and that of their families.