World Cavity-Free Future Day: October 14th, 2019

The IAPD Bangkok Declaration features in World Cavity-Free Future Day Infographicreated by the Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future and based on content taken from the ‘Early Childhood Caries: IAPD Bangkok Declaration’.

WCFFDay is a global awareness day and is celebrated around the world with multiple efforts supported by ACFF Chapters including outreach events, educational drives, free oral-care consultations, professional webinars, school-based education efforts and many more activities coordinated by local communities and partner organisations.

Use the #WCFFDay hashtag on October 14th on social media to become part of the social movement, or tweet a photo of your smile to @ACFFGlobal using #WCFFDay to show your support of the fight to ensure a future free from cavities.

For more information click here or download the WCFFDay Toolkit 2019


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