IAPD Consensus Recommendations

The Foundational Articles and Consensus Recommendations

An IAPD mission is to be a global resource for evidence-based dental care for children. These Foundational Articles and Consensus Recommendations developed by the IAPD Science Committee are intended to be an up-to-date resource and guidance for the current understanding of pediatric dental practices. 

These selected articles and recommendations should not be construed as standards of care or scope of practice; rather the information is intended to facilitate excellence of care for children globally. 


The Foundational Articles and Consensus Recommendations have been vetted by the IAPD Science Committee and IAPD Board, and on a regular cycle each topic will be reviewed and updated. 

As these resources develop and mature, they should lead to more uniform evidence-based oral health care worldwide by giving students and practitioners access to current science.

We thank Colgate for supporting the translation cost of the IAPD Consensus Recommendations. Enjoy this valuable resource in English, French or Spanish!

Consensus Recommendations 2022

Translations are now available!

National-Member Societies Can Now Request Endorsed Copies of the IAPD Consensus Recommendations (2022)

IAPD offers to provide a customized edition with your association logo to those National Member Societies who would like to provide to their members an endorsed copy of the IAPD Consensus Recommendations.

We invite all our National Member Societies to request an endorsed copy of the IAPD Consensus Recommendations.

Should you request a copy, please complete this form and upload a high-resolution version of your society’s logo to be added to the documents, we will send them back to you to add to your website as a resource.

In order to receive your endorsed copy, please note that your society needs to be in good standing, membership fees should be paid in full. Should you have any questions please contact the secretariat at

These selected articles and recommendations should not be construed as standards of care or scope of practice; rather the information is intended to facilitate excellence of care for children globally.

Consensus Recommendations 2022 - English


Consensus Recommendations 2021

We hope that these Foundational Articles and Consensus Recommendations make it easier and more enjoyable in keeping up with the advances in Pediatric Dentistry. 




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